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Get live remote online support from PedFast™ with SupportValet™

SupportValet™ Services
PedFast Technologies™ Announces our New InstallValet™ and SupportValet™ Services
Have you just purchased one of our products, but you need some help installing it into a computer? Do you need help moving data from an older version, or with another usage issue?
If you need this help and your computer is connected to a high speed internet connection, then InstallValet™ and SupportValet™ will help you!
Book Appoinments Now:
PedFast Technologies™ will set an appointment where we will call you and then connect remotely into your computer (with your permission and while you watch) to install the software you bought, and set up icons on the start menu or task bar. We will also activate the program for you. InstallValet does not cover data migrations.
InstallValet™ costs US$29.99 per session.
PedFast Technologies™ will set an appointment where we will call you and then connect remotely into your computer (with your permission and while you watch) to assist you with more than just installing and activating. For example:
  • Dealing with moving data in from an older version
  • Providing interactive phone support on an expedited basis (our normal support is by email and ticket and first-come-first-served)
SupportValet™ costs US$59.99 per session.
SupportValet™ Plus
For a longer period of time, PedFast Technologies™ will set an appointment where we will call you and then connect remotely into your computer (with your permission and while you watch) to assist you with tips and tricks on how to use the program – a 90-minute how-to session with guidance by our experts. Get a leg up on using the best animal-related software ever with one-on-one instruction.
SupportValet™ Plus costs US$89.99 per session.
How it Works
Once you have purchased a program from us, click here to schedule the help you need. You can pick an open appointment time, pay the fee for the desired service, and we will reserve the time. You will give us the number to call.

At the appointed time, be at your computer, connected to high speed internet, and we will call and establish a connection to your computer. It’s easy and fast.
Frequently-Asked Questions
Question Are the Valet services available for the PedFast Windows program offerings?
Answer" Yes.
Question Are the Valet services available for the PedFast Mac program offerings?
Answer Yes.
Question Are the Valet services available for the PedFast online (TBS.NET and TCS.NET) program offerings?
answer Yes.
Question How do you accept Payment?
Answer Unlike our normal services, PedFast Technologies™ accepts payment up-front via PayPal. From Paypal you can use any payment method other than eCheck (since we’d have to wait for the echeck to clear before the appointment).
Question Can I request a specific Technician?
Answer Not yet, but we are considering this option for the future.
Question Can you make an appointment at a day or time not listed on your calendar?
Answer Sorry, no. Those are the working hours of the technicians who staff this program.
Question I am outside the USA – is this feature available?
Answer These services are available in USA and Canada only at this time. We are seeking technicians in the Pacific Rim and Europe to permit expansion of this service.
Question Who calls who to start the appointment?
Answer Our technician will call you. Please be at your computer and connected to high speed internet.
Question What if I want more help and run past the length of the appointment?
Answer The technician has other appointments and responsibilities; the appointment must end as scheduled.
Question What if there is a data migration or problem that runs longer than the appointment?
Answer The live-assist appointment must end as scheduled. However, an issue that needs more work will be put into a support ticket. In our sole discretion, we may schedule a second or even a third free session to complete work on an issue. However that decision is ours.
Question What if I want something you can’t provide? I want my money back.
Answer You are buying the technician’s time . We can’t guarantee a solution. Our agreement makes all sales final. PedFast has to pay the technician for his or her time. The reason we have this policy is because there are many occasions where a problem is caused by an incorrectly configured computer.
Question What if there is a problem with my computer that you can fix during the session?
Answer If the problem is not with your software but is instead with your computer, and we can fix your computer, and there is enough time left on your appointment, then we will give our best effort to fix that issue. You have to log on with a user ID that has permission
Question What if the Technician fixes the issue in 2 minutes? I want a partial refund.
Answer We can’t give a partial refund, but if your technician has time open after fixing the issue or installing the program, you can get questions answered and quick demonstrations until the time is finished. The technician is paid for all of his or her time.
Question What if your Support Technician finds a program bug?
Answer Once the allotted time is finished, if there is a bug, then a support ticket will be opened and the fix will be created. PedFast Technologies may decide to open a second free one-on-session at a later time, but this decision is ours and is final.
Question What if something comes up before the appointment – can I reschedule or cancel?
Answer Cancellations are allowed at any time 48 hours or longer before appointment time for a full refund. You can also reschedule an appointment at any time 24 hours or more before the appointment time. All sales are final, and a missed appointment pays the whole fee. We won’t consider an appointment missed if you contact us up to 15 minutes after the appointment is scheduled to start the appointment.
Question Are you available to solve Windows problems or problems with non-PedFast programs?
Answer Not yet, except as set forth above. We’re not yet taking SupportValet appointments to work only on non-PedFast programs. We will see how SupportValet works for the first few months and then consider if we want to open the support services to Windows, OSX or other programs.
First slide
Reaching Customer Service:
The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
Click for Our Service Ticket System
Contact Us
7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free)
+1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA)
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Reaching Customer Service:
The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
Contact Us
7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
Sales: 1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free) +1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA) 
Copyright © 2025 by Pedfast Technologies. All Rights Reserved. Copyright/Terms | Privacy Policy