SupportPack™ by PedFast Technologies
Secure speedy support for your licensed PedFast programs! SupportPack™ gives you peace of mind, plus access to free upgrades and free SupportValet appointments. You can simply purchase a SupportPack™ for all of your programs.
SupportValet is available for these programs:
The Breeder’s Standard® 2021 and newer
The Cattery’s Standard™ 2021 and newer
Equestrian’s Standard™ 2021 and newer
iPed™ Everywhere
iPed™ 8G and newer
Netigree® III 2019 and newer
Hide My Secrets™ 2020
...and newer versions of those programs. Older versions are not eligible for SupportPack; please upgrade to one of the programs above in order to be eligible for SupportPack™ benefits.
For only $59.99, you get:
One year of Priority Support: SupportPack™ customers get their tickets worked before non-Pack customers
—Two free SupportValet™ incidents to be used within the year. Live remote support that normally sells for $59.99 each. This alone is a value of $119.90!
—Free Upgrades for every eligible program! For each supported program you are licensed to, you will receive any upgrades that happen within the year you have the SupportPackTM — free! This is another $45-75 value.
Your year of benefits begins as soon as you purchase a SupportPack™. You will receive codes for your two free SupportValet™ appointments via email in minutes. If there is an upgrade for any supporting program, you will receive it free — automatically.
Your support tickets will be automatically escalated to the front of the line. These benefits continue for an entire year.