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Custom pedigree format packs for our programs

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Pedigree Power Packs™ by PedFast Technologies™

The most beautiful pedigree layouts, ever. Ready for your PedFast program.

Pedigrees, envelopes, announcements, even greeting cards. There is a Power Pack for you.
We at PedFast have heard you about your needs. When you saw our Pedcasso™ product, many of you, hundreds in fact, asked for packages of complete pedigrees that you could use right away. Not all of us are artists. Therefore, we have come up with a solution for you.
We proudly offer a whole array of Pedigree Power Packs™.
New on 03-April-2021: Pedigree Power Pack #12! Certificates for birth or registration with formal borders, photos, seals and pedigrees.
New on 22-March-2019: Pedigree Power Pack #10! large and huge pedigrees from 8 to 12 generations!
Pedigree Power Pack #1
Contains seventeen pedigree formats, including the much-requested “engraved platinum bars” pedigree layout, and legal-size layouts ready for immediate use.
Pedigree Power Pack #2
Contains seventeen special pedigree layouts set up for non-USA paper sizes, A4, B4 and B5.
Pedigree Power Pack #3
Contains twenty-two ad layouts and certificates. This includes specialized dog and cat formats, health certificate, and many ad layouts ready for printing! Make awesome ads; don't be beholden to the “designers” at some of the breed magazines. Personalize with your words and see what you have done before it prints! Reprint as often as it takes to make it look the way you want!(Note: you may use any font or color in the comment field and use all rich text features. however, if you want to adjust the layout of an ad, this requires a fully licensed Pedcasso).
Pedigree Power Pack #4
Gives you a whopping 24 formats to generate ads for premium lists and catalogs. These ads are spread across multiple sizes and orientations, and include pedigree ads, announcements and general ads(note: you may use any font or color in the comment field and use all rich text features. However, if you want to adjust the layout of an ad, this requires a fully licensed Pedcasso).
Pedigree Power Pack #5
Gives you 21 luscious formats including our first seven generation Power Pack pedigrees. As per usual, these pedigrees are in color and are artistic and beautiful, as well as information-packed.
Pedigree Power Pack #7
Contains a whopping 44 formats of various sized, layout and types of greeting cards! Cultivate relationships with your puppy/kitten buyers and others. Brag about your dogs and cats with specialized greeting cards -- with pedigree information included!
Pedigree Power Pack #8
(Available only in version 2.0 format) Features 18 new pedigree formats, including three new “big photo” layouts, a new “org chart” vertical pedigree format, and a fresh new “metro” layout pedigree. They are all offered in multiple colors and reverse-colored layouts, to give you the most in pedigree power!
Pedigree Power Pack #9
(Available only in version 2.0 format) Features nineteen new pedigree formats, all of which include a QR Code that is set up on the url 1 field of your my info screen. Now you can hand out pedigrees with a direct link to your web site that anyone with a phone can view. This includes email programs that read the codes out of PDF files. We have included several of our metro pedigrees with gradient (fade) backgrounds, to make your pedigrees stand out from the others. We’ve also included ad layouts with the qr code, so that people at shows can scan premium lists and learn more about your animals and your business.
Pedigree Power Pack #10
(Available only in version 2.0 format). Power Pack Ten features twenty new formats. these formats are from 8 to 12 generations in size. these gigantic pedigrees may be output to a PDF and printed tiled (requires free adobe acrobat reader), or printed on a roll-paper printer at a place like FedEx Office. Compatible with MegaPed 2012 through 2020, including the new MegaPed SuperFields™ technology.
Pedigree Power Pack #11
Power Pack 11 gives you a number of new looks. Ads, birth certificates, even envelopes for papers! our newest Power Pack features new neat formatted pedigrees with innovative borders, ads, birth announcements and certificates, and even custom-printed envelopes to hold papers! Power Pack 11 sports a whopping thirty-two new formats for your megaped™ engine!
Pedigree Power Pack #12
Power Pack 12 features certificates, border pedigrees, and sealed certificates that you configure for use as birth certificates or even registration certificates for small kennel or breed clubs. You make a round logo and put it in megaped, and that becomes the seal on the certificate, or leave it blank for a stamp or embossed seal.
You do not have to purchase pedcasso™ to use the Power Packs. All you need are one of the following programs:
iPed everywhere!™ -- all 12 Power Packs available.
The Breeder’s Standard® 2003-2009 and now 2012 and newer (version 2 format)!
(Power Packs 11-12 available only for TBS 2018 and newer)
The Cattery’s Standard™ 2003-2009 and now 2013 and newer (version 2 format)!
(Power Packs 11-12 available for TCS 2019 and newer)
All versions of iPed™ for windows (iPed 5G and newer use Version 2 format) (Power Packs 11-12 available for iPed 6G and newer).
The new Power Packs Version 2, compatible with TBS 2012, iPed 5g and TCS 2013, and all newer versions, are available.
The price? only $19.99 or less plus s&h per pack. Power Pack ten is $29.99. (TBS.net and TCS.net priced $1.19 per month per pack)
Easy to use is an understatement!
How easy is it? if you purchase a Pedigree Power Pack, you only need to choose which program you have, enter your registration codes, and ten seconds later, the new layouts are automatically available.
If you have a fully activated Pedcasso™ and want to use our Power Pack layouts as a basis for your own layouts, no problem! clone away!
Pedigree Power Pack #1: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack #1 includes layouts for dogs and cats, as well as generic layouts, between 3 and 6 generations, and on both regular and legal-size paper.
Here are the 17 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #1. Click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack #2: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack #2 includes layouts for non usa sized paper, such as a4, b5, and b4.
international power at your fingertips!
here are the 17 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #2. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack #3: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack #3 includes ad and certificate layouts, 22 in all, to make advertisements in camera quality using tbs, tcs or instaped? 2003.
incredible ads and certificates, easily!
here are the 22 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #3. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack #4: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack #4 gives you 24 stunning designs for ads in show catalogs, use ppp #4 to make advertisements in camera quality using tbs, tcs or instaped? 2003.
incredible premium list and catalog ads -- easily!
here are the 24 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #4. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack #5: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack #5 gives you 21 for use in pedigree production, including seven generation pedigrees. use ppp #4 with tbs, tcs or instaped? 2003.
incredible seven generation pedigrees -- easily!
here are the 21 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #5. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack #6: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack # 6 contains 22 pedigree and form formats. i t includes birth certificates and pedigrees that print on standard size paper. it also includes two pedigrees that print on 8x10 paper and six envelope designs in three sizes. the envelope designs were created to be sent home with your puppies and kittens for all of their important papers.
here are the 22 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #6. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
Pedigree Power Pack™ #8 - the formats!
Power Pack #12: the formats!
Pedigree Power Pack # 6 contains 22 pedigree and form formats. i t includes birth certificates and pedigrees that print on standard size paper. it also includes two pedigrees that print on 8x10 paper and six envelope designs in three sizes. the envelope designs were created to be sent home with your puppies and kittens for all of their important papers.
here are the 22 layouts in Pedigree Power Pack #6. click on any one to see a larger version of it.
buy now!
Only $19.99 or less ($29.99 for Power Pack ten) and you can be installing a Pedigree Power Pack in your computer in seconds!
ready to order? we're ready to help you!
Don't see a pack that meets your needs? Please send us your suggestions. We want to create templates to meet all of our customers' needs.
others make big talk about ease of use and thoroughness. we have delivered
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Pedigree Power Packs™

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7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
Sales: 1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free) +1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA) 
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