Our Products

PedFast Technologies™ product support is available here

Welcome to our Product Support Center
PedFast Technologies™ has been the leader in Animal-Related Software for over 15 years of its 21-year existence.
Today, we sell the #1, #2, #3 and #5 best-selling products for dog breeders, the #1 best selling product for Cat Breeders, and have the best-looking pedigrees anywhere.

This page leads you where to go for Product support. In order to receive product support, you must have a MyPedFast ID.
All people who have
purchased anything from us since 2001 already have this ID. If you are trying out the product, and have downloaded a trial from us, you also have one.
Search our FAQ database
PedFast Technologies™ has implemented a new searchable FAQ database with answers to most frequently-asked questions. As we build this up, it will be filled up with common support solutions as well. Click the link below to access the FAQ database:
Browse Product Manuals
PedFast Technologies™ has a readable library of PDFs of our user manuals. Click the link below to access the manuals library:
Open a Support Ticket
PedFast no longer does direct email support. We also do not offer direct phone support except via SupportValet. Instead, you need to open a support ticket for all new support requests.
Support tickets require a MyPedFast login, which you already have if you have downloaded or purchased a product from us after 2001. Click below to open a Support ticket:
If you wish to use email to open a support ticket, you may do so by sending email to:
email ticket support@tickets.pedfast.com
All product support is an accommodation and is provided subject to the terms and conditions of this page and your software license agreement.
Please do not open multiple tickets for the same issue. We may require pre-payment for a support issue before we perform work on said issue. See our policies below.
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Product Support Policies
On-line support: Free.
(Tickets answered First-come, First-served).
Live Remote Support is available with SupportValet™.

Ordering a CD-ROM:
Phone 800-746-9364 or 815-806-2130 Press 1.
Getting Answers:
The most common problem that every support staff has is getting the needed information to decipher a problem and offer the correct solution. We need to be able to duplicate most problems on our own computers in order to offer any helpful information. This requires that you be prepared to give us complete and detailed information about what you are experiencing, so we can take it down and render assistance.
If you give us vague information, we will be delayed in answering you because we will have to ask numerous questions in order to determine how to best help you.
What to have Ready:
Your Control Number or Serial Number. We may not need it if you are listed on our computer, but have it ready just in case.
The number and all text from any error message. This includes the text in the center and on the title bar of any error message boxes.
Exactly what you did to get the error message(s), if any. If there were no error messages, then exactly what you were doing.
The version number of your product.To locate the number, choose the help menu and then the About option from the help menu. We need all digits of the version number (example 3.10-P4 or 4.00.204).
Avoiding a Support Ticket
There are a couple of things you can do to avoid the hassle of a support ticket. These may get you past your problems quickly, perhaps instantly.
Try These things:
mark Search the Support Database to see if we've already answered your problem.
If you are getting an Access Violation, make sure to restart your computer and try again before calling support. Shut down your computer, and then turn it on again. Some Windows DLL libraries, and even some parts of Windows itself, can have problems if a program failure is not followed by a reboot.
* All free product support is offered solely as an accommodation, and our support policies may change at any time without notice, liability or obligation on our part. No product sale is contingent upon the provision of any level of product support. Nothing on this page may be construed to commit us to provide any level of product support at any time, and the text of your license agreement shall always control. We reserve the right to give first priority and attention to paying support customers.
Support Sunsetting Schedule
We support our products for limited periods of time, then migrate some to prepaid support only, then stop supporting them. Older programs rarely work properly with newer operating systems and computers. This is a normal industry practice.
Product support sunset has occurred for The Breeder's Standard® 1.0 through 2021. Newer versions are fully supported.
Limited pre-paid support at $59.99 per incident is available for TBS 2021 through SupportValet™ through May 31, 2024. TBS versions older than 2021 are no longer supported.
Product support sunset has occurred for The Cattery's Standard™ 1.0 through 2021. Newer versions are fully supported.
Limited pre-paid support at $59.99 per incident is available for TCS 2021 through SupportValet™ through May 31, 2024. TCS versions older than 2009 are no longer supported.
Equestrian's Standard 2023 is fully supported. Previous versions are no longer supported.
Support has ended for iPed 8G and older. Newer Versions are fully supported.
Limited pre-paid support at $59.99 per incident is available for iPed 8G for Windows through SupportValet™ through May 31, 2024. Older versions are no longer supported.
Product Support Sunset has occurred for InstaPed 2000 through 2008. No support is available.
Product Support Sunset has occurred for CompuPed 1.0 through 4.2. All DOS CompuPed programs are no longer supported.
Product Support Sunset has occurred for All versions of CompuShow and EnterCat. The EnterCat product may be re-launched in the future. CompuShow special orders are supported as the agreement for the special order specifies.
NETigree III 2019 is supported, but older versions are no longer supported.
Pedcasso 2019 is supported, but older versions are no longer supported.
Support has ended for Pedigree Power Packs Version 1. Newer versions are are fully supported.
The Groomer's Helper 2000 is supported only on Windows XP and older OS, 32 bit only.
CompuPed Millennium is supported only on Windows XP and older OS, 32 bit only.
Reaching Support
Contact Product Support the following ways:
On-Line support - this page, two options:
mark Search for Answers in our Database
mark Submit Support Ticket.
Product support by telephone is limited to situations where the problem requires the support. You must open a product support ticket prior to utilizing telephone contact. Do not call the sales line to obtain product support.
Product Patch Releases:
Product patches may be downloaded free of charge from this web site. For CD or USB media, you will need to visit this link: https://www.trepstar.com/purchase.asp?idpub=32880&mode=all where you can purchase the media directly from our partner, TrepStar™.
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Reaching Customer Service:
The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
Click for Our Service Ticket System
Contact Us
7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free)
+1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA)
Copyright © 2025 by Pedfast Technologies. All Rights Reserved. Copyright/Terms | Privacy Policy
Reaching Customer Service:
The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
Contact Us
7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
Sales: 1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free) +1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA) 
Copyright © 2025 by Pedfast Technologies. All Rights Reserved. Copyright/Terms | Privacy Policy