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Horse Breeding software with custom pedigrees - Equestrian's Standard™ 2023

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Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023

The Next Generation of World-leading Horse Breeder Software

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 is here. We’ve redesigned the program’s look and feel. TES2023 produces the best looking pedigrees ever produced by any program. PedFast Technologies™ has perfected what our "competitors" couldn’t even imagine.

The Most Comprehensive Horse Breeding Software ever Created.

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 has the most features of any Horse breeding program ever created. Some of our features:
  • Horse records
  • Titles -- comprehensive titles management that shows them correctly on your pedigrees.
  • Heats
  • Matings
  • Birthings
  • Foals, with day by day temperature and weight tracking
  • Vet Visits
  • Vaccinations
  • Medications
  • Financial Transactions
  • Photos - up to 65,535 photos per animal!
  • Traits
  • Tracking multiple owners, breeders, and parties obtained from
  • Competition: A full free form training log.
  • PedCabinet™: an optional document storage system for horses, Foals, contacts or the stable itself.
  • GreenShade: a built-in simple accounting system for expenses and revenues
  • A powerful contact management database
  • Comprehensive reporting at the whole-stable level as well as on each individual Horse, Foal or contact.
  • MegaPed™: The most beautiful pedigrees ever produced by any program, with over a dozen build-in formats, as well as hundreds of formats available from our optional Pedigree Power Packs
  • Pedigree sharing with other PedFast™ users with our BXF™ file format
  • Import animals and titles and owners/breeders to your database from delimited text files
  • Fifteen color schemes for your program
  • A calendar with reminder capabilities as well as automatic reminders set for vet visits
  • The easiest ancestry entry system ever: PedFast™ V - enter five generations of ancestors rapidly from one window!
  • Text pedigrees for email
  • Reverse pedigrees
  • Genetics - the most comprehensive anywhere
    • Inbreeding coefficient with up to 12 generation analysis and individual ancestor reporting
    • Relationship coefficient for any proposed mating
    • Our famous Crystal Ball™ analysis of ancestor genetic contribution and trait analysis, along with what-if pedigrees for proposed matings
  • Built-in help on every screen of the program with our Context Help system
  • Control what fields you see on the screen with our unique Field Chooser™ feature. Speedier entry and easier to read lists.

New: Customer Relationship Management

You need to keep in contact with people who purchase or lease animals from you. Rather than needing a second program, Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 offers new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) features. Here’s a run-down of the CRM features:

The New Waiting List

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 gives you a comprehensive waiting list feature. Our waiting list tracks contact, which Foal (if any) is being reserved, pricing, when the app is received, breed / variety / color information, dates of events and has a very large comment field (basically unlimited) for notes. You also can assign any statuses you feel appropriate to the waiting list entry, allowing you to track the waiting people as you see fit.
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Communication History

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 gives you the power to store a history of communications between you and the contact on the waiting list, and also directly with each contact apart from the mailing list. You can track any kind of communication received or sent, and set up other types of communications as you see fit. We make it easy to keep in touch with your contacts / customers and to keep a record of those touch points.
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The Do-Not-Sell List

You hear of bad people who should never have a horse. Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 gives you the power to keep a record of those people, with a contact entry that also is on the No-Sell list.
Whenever you are looking at your contacts, if you come across one on the no-sell list, there is a bright red notice of “DO NOT SELL” shown so that you know quickly without changing screens.
We make it easy to protect yourself and especially your horses and Foals from bad guys!
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PedGuard™: Automated Inexpensive Backups to our Private and Secure Cloud!

Keeping your pedigree, customer and breeding data safe should not require a lot of effort on your part. In fact, PedFast Technologies believes that it should require zero effort on your part. Introducing the PedGuard™ automatic cloud backup add-on. Inexpensive, Secure, Private, Automatic, and most importantly easy to use.

Automatic zero-effort backup

PedGuard™ is the latest in a long line of innovations by PedFast Technologies™. This optional add-on offers safe, secure, private encrypted backups. Not shared databases, private backups. With PedGuard, you need do absolutely nothing after you sign up to save up to fourteen backups of your data! PedGuard™ runs every time you shut down your program and makes a backup to our cloud servers. And you can control how long between those automatic backups, from 15-1440 minutes.
To use PedGuard™ you must have an active internet connection available to the program.
You can also make a manual backup at any time with a single click, and it will be stored in the cloud on our servers, which are double-backed-up to a different cloud provider.
PedGuard™ has an easy management console built in to TES 2023 (internet connection required to manage PedGuard).

Updated Look and Feel

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 has been updated with a easier and more modern look and feel. Access to our web resources is now easily accomplished from our Home Page. No scrolling needed to reach main functions. PedGuard™ and the new Waiting List join the functions on home page.

Other New Additions

We have made other additions to make TES 2023 special. Here are a couple:


Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 now tracks grooming events for each animal as you see fit.
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New CRM Reports

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 includes reports for the waiting list, and also mailing label formats for two different Avery® label types, 5160 and 5197.

Available Now!

Download Today.
You can download TES 2023 and see for yourself. Download the Next Level of Stable Management Software Today. The Horse Breeder Software you need is here now.

Order Today!

Equestrian’s Standard™ 2023 is available immediately. First time purchases are $99.99. Upgrades from older versions of PedFast Technologies™ Programs are only $59.99. Sale prices are lower. You can purchase the program from our secure online website at
24 hours per day, 7 days per week.
Available Now

Frequently-Asked Questions

Question What do I need to run Equestrian’s Standard 2023?
Answer You need Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11, or newer, and you need at least 4GB of RAM and 100MB of disk plus the space for the database file (which depends on how much data you have.
Question I just bought the 2016 program?
Answer No worries! We’ve got you covered. If you bought the 2016 program on or after February 12, 2022, you will receive a free upgrade to TES 2023. Any CD or USB media not already delivered as of April 22, 2020 will be the new one with the 2023 program on it.
Question How hard is it to upgrade from Equestrian’s Standard™ 2016?
Answer Super easy. Just install TES 2023 and open the .PTPED database file. You will also retain backward compatibility with the latest patches of TES 2016 for at least 90 days from May 14, 2022.
Question When will this be out for the Mac?
Answer We continue to work with vendors to get our development tools fully compatible with the Mac. We need to get this right instead of trying to get it fast.
Equestrian’s Standard™ — Others promise what we’ve already delivered.
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Equestrian's Standard™ for Windows

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The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
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7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free)
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Reaching Customer Service:
The fastest way to get a response from our Customer Service department is to open a customer service ticket. Use your MyPedFast™ ID to open a ticket on our ticketing site:
Contact Us
7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
Sales: 1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free) +1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA) 
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