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Budget-conscious Grooming Shop Management with The Groomer's Helper™

The Groomer's Helper™ by PedFast Technologies™
An Introduction
Meet the Value leader in groom shop software. The Groomer's Helper 2000™ offers you the flexibility of more expensive programs, at a price which will literally astound you. PedFast Technologies has taken a high-function, no-high-prices approach to meeting the needs of the modern grooming shop. The end result for you is a program you can pay for with just one shop visit, but that will offer you excellent service for years.
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Customer Tracking
The Groomer's Helper 2000™ gives you a comprehensive card file database, including the ability to define multiple pets to a single owner, veterinary information, and a liberal comment area. You can print out the card file. There is the ability to add an unlimited number of free-form notes to each animal, and these notes are printed on the groomer sheet when the animal is brought in.
Appointment Power!
The Groomer's Helper 2000™ tracks appointments, past, present and future. It shows you visually when appointments are past-due, and constantly checks (every 5 minutes, or an interval you choose) when appointments are late.
Its powerful scheduling feature lets you know if you are over-booking a day, based on appointment times you can set up by the shop and by the animal (for those extra-fast or extra-slow jobs).
When the animal arrives for grooming, you can assign it a cage/space/run number and The Groomer's Helper 2000 ™ prints you out a tracking sheet, showing the bather and groomer, and the animal's notes.
Billing Magnificence
When the animal is picked up, The Groomer's Helper 2000™ prints a handsome invoice, customized with your shop's name, and the ability to add items (boarding, supplies, etc) to the invoice. You can track and record the payment and how the payment was made to you, including credit cards.
You can print invoice histories, and export it to Text, Excel(tm) and other formats so you can import the information into popular accounting software without retyping it.
Reports for Everything
The Groomer's Helper 2000™ includes an impressive array of reports, including multiple formats of mailing labels for contacts, history reports, appointment reports and the like. Every report can be previewed to the screen to save paper if you wish.
Easy to Use!
The Groomer's Helper 2000™ is designed to work with both the mouse and the keyboard. Every button is labeled with a "F-Key" equivalent, to allow you to quickly enter data and get where you need, even if you don't have an extra "mouse hand" free. This in and of itself makes The Groomer's Helper 2000 ™ the value leader in the way it uses less of your time!
The Groomer's Helper 2000 ™ has the following system requirements:
* Windows 3.1, 95, 98, 2000, NT (3.51 or newer), XP, Vista (32 bit only), Windows 7 (32-bit only or XP Mode).
* Pentium 90 or faster
* 16MB or more of RAM
* 14-16MB of disk space, plus extra space for your data
* Any printer supported by Windows
The Groomer's Helper 2000(tm) is Y2K safe and is a true Windows program.
The program comes on an easy-to-use CD-ROM, and a 50-page, professionally printed, illustrated user's manual is included. The price?
New Lower Price:
ONLY $69.99 plus Shipping and Handling.
Cheaper than a high-quality clipper. That is 28% less than the next more expensive grooming shop software. Call us today and we will ship immediately. Buy The Groomer's Helper 2000™ and see that value for dollar is still available in America.
Try it For Yourself
We have the program available here as a fully-functional 14-day free trial. Use the program, without cost or obligation, and see for yourself that we have created the best program at the lowest price. Then, when you buy, you will have the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you have obtained true value.
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The Groomer's Helper™ for Windows

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7777 W.Lincoln Highway, Suite A, Frankfort, IL 60423 USA
Sales: 1-800-746-9364 then press 1 (Toll-free) +1-815-806-2130 then press 1 (outside USA) 
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